Are you tired of manually searching for deals and discounts while shopping online? Do you often miss out on savings because you forget to apply coupon codes? Checkmate is here to solve your problem! This revolutionary iPhone app is designed to make online shopping a breeze by automatically applying codes in Safari, ensuring you never miss a deal again.

With Checkmate, you can save twice as much as any other savings tool. The iPhone app supports a whopping 40,000+ merchants and has collected more public codes than any other online savings tool. It’s free, easy to use, and will change the way you shop online.
Shopping with Checkmate is simple. You can browse your favorite online stores in Safari, and Checkmate will automatically apply any available deals or discounts. You don’t need to do anything – just sit back, relax, and watch as your savings add up. No more manual searching, no more missed deals, and no more frustration.
Did you know that online shoppers miss out on more than half of the possible savings by forgetting the personal deals they get sent? Checkmate ensures you never miss a deal again. Its engine automatically collects thousands of deal emails per day, applies the best deals for you, and ensures you always save the highest possible amount.
The iPhone app also offers additional features to make your shopping experience even better. You can track your packages, store and apply your gift cards in your Checkmate wallet, and more.
So why wait? Download Checkmate now and start revolutionizing your online shopping experience. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually searching for deals and hello to automatic savings. With Checkmate, you’ll never miss a deal again, and you’ll save twice as much as any other savings tool.